Department of Public Works
Supervisor - Wes Ahouse - Call the DPW Office at 532-8882
Now Available - Dial-A-Truck
Clean out your brush and tree materials and load them into the Village truck overnight or on a weekend.
Overnight:$15.00, Weekend $35.00
The truck will be delivered to your location (Village Residents Only), parked and locked late afternoon. We will come and get the truck in the morning. Call the DPW Office at 532-8882 or click on the DPW email link at right.
Do you need mulch for your yard and gardens?
Village Residents Only
Well aged, ready to use leaf compost Landscape Mulch
Small tractor bucket $10.00 Small tractor bucket $15.00
Large loader bucket $20.00 Large loader bucket $25.00
Dump truck load (3-5 cubic yards) $45.00 Dump truck load (3-5 cubic yards) $50.00
Call the DPW Office at 532-8882
Streets & Sidewalks
Welcome signs have been placed at the entrance to the village on each of the main highways, with the water tower, long a village landmark, on West Avenue.
Water Department
The Village water stations pumps between 45 and 55,000 gallons of water a day. The water is pulled from Cayuga Lake at Interlaken Beach, filtered and chlorinated, then pumped into the water tower, where it is fed by gravity to the homes and businesses within the village. Some homes along the route from the lake to Village also have village supplied water.
Water Rates effective July 1, 2015
Inside Village $50 minimum up to 3,000 gallons
$7.50 per 1,000 gallons over 3000
Outside Village $60 minimum up to 3,000 gallons
$9.37 per 1,000 gallons over 3,000
Sewer Department
On an average day the Village Sewer plant will process and treat over 50,000 gallons of village generated sewage. Once the filtration process is complete and the water re-enters the local stream, it is fresh enough for animals and human consumption.
Sewer Rates effective July 1, 2015
Village $25.00 minimum up to 3,000 gallons of water usage,
$5.00 per 1,000 gallons over 3000 gallons of water usage